
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Nature Chic, a new approach

Cand vine vorba de moda, ador sa experimentez, sa construiesc tinute inedite, care ma reprezinta, ma camufleaza sau de multe ori ma transpun intr-o atitudine complet diferita. Postarea de astazi are rolul de a prezenta o fateta, pe care o abordez uneori, rareori, cand fac o plimbare in natura. Imi plac drumetiile, atata timp cat le pot controla si cat nu sunt foarte complicate, periculoase sau dure cu incaltarile alese. Acest mini trip  mi-a oferit ocazia perfecta sa creez un outfit folosindu-ma de piesa noua, pe care asteptam cu nerabdare sa o port, insa vremea capricioasa nu mi-a permis. Chiar si acum, am fost nevoita sa o combin cu o piesa "suport" ca sa nu dardai. Este vorba de un trend, resurscitat, care o sa faca furori la Untold, cu siguranta, si anume top-ul lejer cu umerii cazuti. In mintea mea asortam acest top cu o pereche de pantaloni scurti, din denim, cu talie inalta, o jacheta cu aspect de piele intoarsa, cu franjuri, binteinteles si poate o perche de sandale boho chic, insa nu am ajuns inca la temperatura optima pentru a testa noile tendinte, asa ca am construit o tinuta de compromis. Am pastrat ideea de jeansi cu talie inalta, insa am optat pentru versiunea lunga, am ales o jacheta army, deoarece o posibila ploaie mi-ar fi agresat serios jacheta cu franjuri si am inlocuit sandalele cu o pereche de sneakers, deoarece aveam o drumetie in fata, iar sandalele m-ar fi impiedicat sa o duc la bun sfarsit si probabil m-ar fi facut sa arat ca o amatoare nepriceputa in fata celorlaltor exploratori. 

When it comes to fashion, I love to experiment, to try on new things, things that fit my personality, things meant for camouflage, but also different outfits, that provide a completely new atitude. Today's post is meant to show you a new "me". I am not the usual outdoorsy person. Don't get me wrong I like nature, and hikes, and outdoors experiences, I just don't know how to cope with the unexpected. Anyway, this mini trip gave me the opportunity to put together an outfit based on my favorite new item, the flared shirt with dropped shoulders. Sadly, I had to wear a tank top to prevent myself from shaking, because guess what, we do not have the appropriate weather yet, to start testing the new spring/summer trends. I meant to mix this lovely blouse with a pair of high waist denim shorts and a cool tassle jacket and obvious a pair of sandals, but instead I had to compromise and go with the long version of the denim pants and an army jacket, cause my tassle jacket is made of some sort of faux suede and it would have reacted badly to rain. Therefore, this is my plan B outdoorsy outfit, what do you think? Do you think that this type of blouse will be the star at the summer music festivals? I am absolutely sure of this!

Beautiful view. Windy. Favorite pair of sunglasses

Perfect bag choice: the Gray Messanger Bag by Venti Concept Store

H&M Divideo High waisted jeans
H&M Divideo Blouse
Adidas sneakers (vintage)
Ray Ban sun glasses

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