
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Job outfits, do they have to be boring?

Dupa 1 luna de pauza... revin cu noi idei si inspiratii. Desi nu lipsa de subiecte m-a tinut departe de blog, recunosc ca mi-am ales cu greu tema pentru articolul de "comeback". Oscilam undeva intre pantofii meniti sa fie purtati in acest sezon si un articol inspirat de stilul uneia dintre cele mai elegante femei din lume, Jackie Kennedy, insa am ales sa abordez un alt subiect, ramanand sa revin asupra celorlaltor puncte, zilele viitoare.

Cluj-Napoca, orasul in care m-am nascut si traiesc, a devenit un oras corporate, cu o multime de multinationale si cladiri de birouri fenomenale. Trend-ul in ceea ce priveste job-urile in Cluj e clar office related, si de aici si street style-ul in aceeasi tendinta. Evident ca felul in care te imbraci nu e cel mai important lucru la locul de munca, insa are o mare contributie la definirea ta. Felul in care alegi sa te imbraci la locul de munca, fie ca iti place sau nu, spune foarte multe despre tine. Cel mai bine este sa iti construiesti in asa fel tinutele office, incat sa spuna ceea ce doresti tu, nu sa fi prost interpretata, sau mai trist sa te minimalizeze. 

Nu sunt o fana a tinutelor plictisitoare, monocrome si consider ca acestea sunt menite sa distruga individualitatea. De asemenea nu militez pentru tinute vulgare sau exagerate, insa consider ca si o tinuta office poate sa arate chic si mai ales sa reprezinte orice tip de personalitate. De asemenea nu sunt de parere ca un sacou si o pereche de pantofi cu toc determina stilul standard, pe care trebuie sa-l abordam la job. Exista o gramada de optiuni, combinatii, accesorii si pantofi care arata la fel de profi, insa confera un plus de atitudine si de personalitate. You feel me?    

I've been idle for a month, but I haven't run out of ideeas. Although I have numerous cool ideas to share with you, it was pretty hard to pick a "comeback" topic. I wanted to write a piece on this season's shoes and another piece on Jackie Kennedy's amazing style, but I will save these for later and talk about something else, dressing for work. 

Cluj-Napoca, my hometown and the city I currently live in, is a beautiful city that became a corporate city. We have a lot of cool offices and plenty of job opportunities but do we have an appropriate work style? In fact, what is appropriate? Do we have to dress in a sobber manner, in boring colours or unatractive clothes to maintain a professional look?

I honestly think we can dress according to our personality, we can use colour and cool patterns and still look professional, but is this accepted? I hope we can all keep an open mind and develop our office style, because let's face it, we're spending a lot of hours at work, we might be able to look our best and feel amazing. What do you think?

I strongly believe we have to let the "uniform" go. By uniform I mean, those black stiletto shoes and the casual blazer. Of course they are fine, but let's combine them with cool items, cute accessories and let's create outfits that look great, not only work appropriate. 

Here's my take on a job outfit, that is appropriate and also a bit different:

Cullottes, ZARA
Statement platform shoes find here
Shirt, Atmosphere
Coat Chic Diva
Sun glasses, Ray Ban

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