
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Male modelling...to consider?

Intotdeauna mi s-a parut ca modelele au un job extraordinar, care le permite sa calatoreasca, sa imbrace cele mai spectaculoase haine, sa fie machiate si aranjate de cei mai tari stilisti si sa cunoasca toate laturile frumoase ale lumii. Evident ca dupa o perioada de timp am realizat si aspectele dificile ale unei astfel de cariere, insa avantajele surclaseaza dezavantajele si modelling-ul ramane o cariera frumoasa si foarte ravnita de tinerele domnisoare. Sunt convinsa ca majoritatea fetelor sunt de aceasta parere, insa controversa apare atunci cand vorbim despre modelling-ul masculin. Daca fetele se inghesuie la casting-uri si isi doresc, in numar mare, aceasta cariera, baietii sunt mai sceptici, mai moderati, mai timizi. De ce? 
Eu personal cred ca baietii nu au avut 'curajul' sa se documenteze sau ca asociaza in continuare aceasta cariera cu domeniul feminin. Din acest motiv, am povestit putin cu unul dintre baietii de la City Models, care a fost de acord sa ne prezinte cate ceva dintre aspectele vietii sale ca model masculin. 
Cosmin Criste lucreaza de doi ani cu agentia City Models, a carui director general este Stefan Farrell. Stiti deja ca Stefan Farrell este responsabil de superbul eveniment City Fashion Week 2015, care a fost un succes glorios inca de la aceasta prima editie, si a adus Clujul pe scena evenimentelor fashion! 

O: Cum ai fost descoperit?
CC: Intamplator. Veneam de la scoala, iar in mall se facea o campanie si am fost abordat de un tip, care mi-a propus sa ma inscriu la casting-ul de la agentie, insa am refuzat. Dupa trei zile, am fost abordat din nou de o domnisoara simpatica de la agentie, iar atunci am acceptat. Nu m-am gandit nici o clipa la aceasta cariera si nu am ales-o eu, ea m-a ales pe mine.

O: Ce interese sau preocupari aveai in perioada aceea?
CC: Ma interesa doar sa ajung fotbalist si mergeam la meciuri in loc de cursuri. Pe urma am reluat cursurile si am participat la un concurs de frumusete, ajungand pana in semifinala la Bucuresti. Acolo am avut norocul sa o cunosc pe Iulia Albu, care m-a ajutat foarte mult cu mersul pe catwalk. Trebuie sa mentionez ca era severa si nu imi placea, insa ajutorul ei mi-a prins foarte bine, deoarece pe urma am terminat cursul si mi-am luat diploma cu nota 10. 

O: Ce oportunitati unice ti-a adus aceasta cariera?
CC: Am calatorit atat in tara cat si in afara, am avut ocazia sa cunosc oameni pe care ii vedeam doar la TV, sa ies cu ei in club sau sa luam masa impreuna. Ma mandresc si cu statutul social, fiind la cea mai buna agentie din Transilvania esti vazut si apreciat altfel de toata lumea. 

O: Luand in calcul experienta ta ca model, la ce nivel consideri ca s-a situat fashion show-ul, la care ai participat, City Fashion Week 2015?
CC: Sincer nu ma asteptam ca show-ul sa iasa atat de bine, chiar m-a surprins Stefan, si il felicit pentru asta! Creatiile au fost superbe, felicitari designerilor! Trebuie sa mentionez ca la City Fashion Week modelele au fost platite, spre deosebire de unele evenimente internationale, chiar si din cadrul legendarului fashion week, la care modelele participa mai mult pentru a se promova. 

O: Cum s-a desfasurat casting-ul pentru acest fashion show?
CC: La casting au participat foarte multe persoane, atat din cadrul City Models cat si din afara agentiei. Designerii au avut libertatea sa isi aleaga modelele pe care le vor. 

O: Care este stilul tau vestimentar in afara job-ului? Te influenteaza munca ta?
CC: Ceea ce fac are clar influente si in stilul meu vestimentar, insa momentan ma aflu in mijlocul unei schimbari. Incerc sa imbin stilul clasic cu cel impus de Mircea Barbulescu si George Hojbota. 

O: Ce articole preferi din colectiile prezentate la CFW 2015 si ce ti-ai dori sa incluzi in garderoba personala?
CC: Articolele preferate sunt indrazneata incaltaminte de la Giuliano Sabau si tinuta, marca George Hojbota, pe care am prezentat-o pe catwalk. As vrea sa includ in garderoba mea toti pantofii Giuliano Sabau, toate tinutele de la Louis Purple, Casual Monday, Spencer, George Hojbota, Damian Mihai! Mi-au placut toate si as alege cate ceva de la fiecare. 

O: Ce au insemnat pentru tine aceste 2 zile de CFW, din punct de vedere al muncii depuse?
CC: Din punct de vedere al muncii depuse, a fost mai greu decat trebuia sa fie in mod normal, pentru ca inainte cu doua zile am facut entorsa la piciorul stang. Cand eram la urgente, mi-am zis ca nu o sa pot sa prezint, insa am strans din dinti si am reusit pe catwalk sa nu dezvalui aceasta problema. Modelling-ul seamana foarte mult cu fotbalul, tu esti singurul care stie cata munca ai depus si cate ai indurat ca totul sa fie perfect in lumina reflectoarelor. 

O: Ce sacrificii presupune aceasta cariera?
CC: Timpul liber este cel mai mare dusman, mereu este insuficient. Fiind pe fuga tot timpul de la un eveniment la altul, de la o prezentare la alta, realizezi ca nu petreci suficient de mult timp cu familia, prietenii sau la facultate. De asemenea, mai este si felul in care esti etichetat de unele persoane sau dificultatea intretinerii unei relatii, datorita naturii job-ului, pozez cu alte fete, ne schimbam impreuna, etc.  Mai exista si sacrificii de imagine, pe care le faci pentru a fi la curent cu tendintele. De exemplu, de cand mi-am lasat barba si parul mai lung am prins prezentari si shooting-uri pentru costume. Astfel voi pastra acest look deocamdata, chiar daca mi-ar placea si altceva. 

O: Cum e scena modelling-ului masculin in Romania? Exista o concurenta puternica?
CC: In Romania, aceasta industrie este mai mult prezenta in Bucuresti, iar concurenta  este puternica, deoarece momentan sunt multe modele, insa putine evenimente, dar incet incet lucrurile par sa se schimbe, oamenii prind gustul fashion-ului si industria incepe sa ia amploare. 

O: Care sunt aspiratiile tale? Unde te vezi in viitor?
CC: Am avut job-uri si in afara tarii, am fost plecat si peste ocean, am facut greseli din care am invatat si imi doresc sa ajung pas cu pas la stadiul in care designerii sa ma caute, fara sa merg la casting-uri. 

O: Cu ce frecventa esti implicat in fashion show-uri, pictoriale, evenimente?
CC: Frecventa e data, in principiu de industrie si de numarul evenimentelor care se organizeaza. Mai exact, pot sa am o saptamana cu job-uri zi de zi sau sa am o luna intreaga cu unul sau chiar nici un job. 

'Tot ce include moda este o arta: hainele, machiajul, parul, mersul pe catwalk. Nu le poate face oricine, dar multi pot sa comenteze, sa critice sau chiar sa incerce. Asta poate face oricine.' Cosmin Criste.

Aparitiile lui Cosmin Criste in fashion show-ul City Fashion Week 2015.

english version
I have always thought that models have this amazing job, that allows them to travel, to wear the most exquisite clothes, to work with the best make-up artists and hair stylists and to experience the finest things in life. Obviously I realized at some point, that there are also hard aspects of this career, but the advantages are rewarding enough to discredit the disadvantages. Therefore modelling remains a beautiful career, that lots of young girls take into consideration. I am sure that most of the girls agree with me, but the controversy of this career appears when we talk about male modelling. A lot of girls are willing to pursue this path, but not so many boys. In my personal opinion, boys may be more skeptical or they tend to get shy. Why?
I strongly believe that guys don’t really know what this career implies and they tend to associate it with ‘girly’ things. Therefore I wanted to bring you the male side of the story and discussed this subject with one of the City Models’ main guys.
Cosmin Criste has been working for two years with City Models. You already know the manager of this agency, Stefan Farrell, who is directly responsible for the successful outcome of the City Fashion Week 2015.

O: How were you discovered?
CC: I had just finished classes, when I went to the mall and a guy working for the agency saw me and asked me to sign up for the casting. At first I refused, but I was asked again later that week by a cute girl, whom I could not refuse. I never thought I would choose this career, it’s like it chose me.

O: What sort of interests did you use to have back then?
CC: I was only interested to become a football player, and I used to cut back my modelling classes to attend to football matches. After I rejoined my modelling courses and took part in a beauty contest. I went to Bucharest to the semifinals of the contest, where I met Iulia Albu, who despite being really severe, managed to help me a lot with my catwalk moves. Therefore I managed to finish my courses and get the diploma with maximum points.

O: What sort of opportunities did this career provide you with?
CC: I got to travel all around Romania and also abroad. I had the opportunity to meet people that I have only seen on TV, to go out clubbing with them or to have dinner with. I pride myself with being part of the best model agency in Transilvania, because people see you differently and really appreciate you.  

O: Taking into account your modelling experience, what was City Fashion Week show’s level?
CC: I honestly did not expect this show to have such an amazing outcome. Stefan managed to really surprise me and I wish to congratulate him. The clothes that I got to wear were amazing, congratulations to the designers! I want to point out the fact that the models were paid for this gig. Some fashion week events do not pay their models, they only give them the opportunity to promote themselves.  

O: How did the casting take place?
CC: At the casting were invited both City Models’ signed models and people from outside the agency. The designers got to choose their models.

O: What is your personal style? Do you take inspiration from your job?
CC: What I do tends to influence my personal style, but at this point I am going through a transition period. I am trying to combine the classic style with the style envisioned by Mircea Barbulescu and George Hojbota.

O: What are your favorite CFW items? What would you like to include in your wardrobe?
CC: My favorite items were definteley the bold shoes from Giuliano Sabau and the outfit that I wore from George Hojbota. I would like to get for myself: all the shoes from Giuliano Sabau, all the outfits from Louis Purple, Casual Monday, Spencer, George Hojbota and Damian Mihai. 

O: What did those 2 CFW days mean to you, workwise?
CC: Workwise, those two days were more difficult than they should have been, because two days before the show I managed to pull my ankle. I was pretty sure I will not be able perform on the catwalk, but I managed to pull it off successfully and to hide my problem. Modelling is a lot like football, nobody knows how hard one works, one is the only one to really understand how difficult is to make everything look perfect in the limelight. 

O: What sacrifices does this career imply?
CC: Free time becomes your worst enemy. Being on the run to catch different events or presentations I do not see enough of my family, friends and I surely miss a lot of my college life. There is also the way that people see you and sometimes mislabel you. It is also hard to maintain a relationship, because girls tend to overreact about posing with other girls or changing in the same place as the female models do. There are also image sacrifices that you have to make. For example I grew my hair and my beard, and now I get to do shootings for formalwear. So I have decided to keep this look even though I would like to try other looks too.

O: How is the Romanian male modelling scene? Is there a rough competition?
CC: This fashion scene takes place mainly in Bucharest and the competition is pretty hard, because there are lots of models and few events. Lately I have seen some improvement and people really start to enjoy this fashion scene and the events.  

O: What are your aspirations? Where do you see yourself in the future?
CC: I have had jobs both in Romania and abroad, I have made mistakes that taught me something and I wish to evolve. I wish to be sought out by designers.  

O: How often do you attend to fashion shows, shootings, events?
CC: That depends on the events that are organized. I sometimes have bookings every day of the week, and sometimes I get none through an entire month. 

‘Everything in fashion is an art form: clothes, make-up, hair, catwalk. Not anyone can do this, but everyone can comment, criticize, or even try to do it. This is something anyone can do.’ Cosmin Criste

Cosmin Criste for City Fashion Week 2015


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